Welcome to Grafton Public School!
Our school is located in the small hamlet of Grafton which lies halfway between the cities of Toronto and Kingston. We are proud of our close-knit community and rich history dating back to 1832.
Grafton Public School currently supports approximately 270 students, from Kindergarten through to Grade 8.
If your child attends our school, please find more detailed information by logging on to our Edsby website.
Alternatively, please do not hesitate to contact the school for more information.
Contact: |
Address: |
Office: (905) 349-2591 |
654 Station Road Grafton, ON K0K 2G0 |
Fax: (905) 349-3984 |
2024-08-30 13:31:50
Dear KPR Families, The first day of school is right around the corner and I hope you can feel the energy and excitement in the air as we ...
Dear KPR Families,
The first day of school is right around the corner and I hope you can feel the energy and excitement in the air as we count down the days!
I hope that you’ve had a fantastic summer – finding time to connect with loved ones, take in the beautiful weather, and do the things that bring you joy. I am looking forward to a safe and successful return to school and the many #WeAreKPR memories that will be made in the year ahead!
For students who may be experiencing mixed emotions about returning to school, we have a number of great resources to support them as they adapt to new routines and relationships. 10 Tips for a Successful Back-to-School Transition is a resource from School Mental Health Ontario that offers helpful tips to support the transition.
With more students, vehicles, walkers and bicycles on the roads, our priority is to ensure a safe school start-up in the coming days. Please be aware that school zones are busy places, and it’s important to be cautious when traveling to and from school. We sincerely appreciate the contributions of our dedicated bus drivers, transportation staff, crossing guards, local police services and municipalities in keeping our students, staff and families safe.
I will continue to send bi-weekly updates to families this school year, with news and information to keep you informed. Of course, another great source of information and positive news is our KPR social media accounts. Please follow @kprschools on Facebook and Instagram for timely updates and #WeAreKPR stories this year!
Welcome back and wishing each of you a wonderful start to the 2024-2025 school year!
Best wishes,
Rita Russo
Director of Education
KPR News
Student Personal Devices
New provincial government legislation has resulted in changes to the use of mobile devices in schools. A mobile device is any personal electronic device that can be used to communicate or access the Internet, such as a laptop, cellphone, tablet or smart watch.
To help ensure focused and engaging learning environments, all personal mobile devices must be stored out of view during the school day. Students in Grades K- 8 may not use mobile devices anytime during the school day (including recess), except as outlined below. Students in Grades 9-12 may use mobile devices during breaks.
Devices may be used in certain circumstances, including:
While these changes may be difficult, please know that creating and maintaining a protected space for learning in classrooms is our goal. Schools will be working with students to educate and support them as they adjust to these expectations. If students need to use their phones for reasons other than those outlined above, families should contact their school administration to discuss a shared solution.
Vaping in Schools
As you know, it has been our long-standing policy that smoking and vaping are not allowed on board property or in schools.
There are new provincial directives this year that support this policy, specifically that students cannot bring electronic cigarettes (vapes), cannabis, tobacco and/or nicotine products to school (including on school transportation).
If a student is in possession of an electronic cigarette (vape), tobacco or nicotine product, it is to be surrendered and disposed of.
As with the cell phone changes, we will work positively with students and families to implement these expectations.
Update from Public Health Partners
Public health partners have asked us to share that there has been a high rate of pertussis (whooping cough) cases over the summer months. They are encouraging families to ensure their children's immunizations are up to date and to get any needed vaccinations, including the pertussis vaccination, as soon as possible.
To read the full letter from public health click here.
For more information about immunizations and other public health updates, please visit your local public health unit’s website:
2024-09-27 12:59:23
Updates for Families: September 26, 2024
Dear KPR Families, Throughout September, schools are wonderfully full of community-building opportunities and learning for students, staff ...
Dear KPR Families,
Throughout September, schools are wonderfully full of community-building opportunities and learning for students, staff and families, such as Terry Fox days, school council meetings, open houses and so much more.
While this month has been filled with energy and excitement, my hope is that we each find time for reflection, leading up to September 30, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
This is a day of remembrance, and a time to recognize the tragic history and harm caused by residential schools. We honour First Nations, Métis, and Inuit children and communities impacted by the residential school system and remember those who never returned home. In recognition of this observance, flags will be flown at half-mast at KPR schools and education centres. Schools participate in this day in age-appropriate ways, by engaging in discussion, reflection and learning that supports our collective journey towards reconciliation. More information about the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is available from the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation and the Government of Canada.
In the coming days, we will be celebrating National Custodial Workers’ Recognition Day on October 2 and World Teachers’ Day on October 5. To KPR custodians, trades and maintenance workers – we cannot say thank you enough for the work you do to keep schools safe, clean, accessible and welcoming for all students and families!
I’d also like to extend my sincere thanks to all of the amazing educators at KPR who have powerful impacts on many students every day, and every year. The collective commitment of all KPR staff to student success and well-being helps all students to excel in learning, succeed in life and enrich our communities!
For more information on days of significance coming up next month, including Rosh Hashanah from October 2-4 and National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit People (MMIWG2S) on October 4, please visit KPR’s events calendar.
Rita Russo
Director of Education
We continue to share information with families about how KPR staff are learning and working together on Professional Activity (PA) Days to support students’ success. Detailed information about PA Days is posted on the KPR website, at www.kprschools.ca/pa-day-learning .
The September 27 Professional Activity (PA) Day will focus on the following areas:
Both teaching and support staff are participating in learning sessions focused on well-being and supporting student success. Thank you to everyone engaged in this important work.
While we encourage students, staff and families to first address concerns directly with those involved in the situation, e.g. the teacher, principal, manager or superintendent, concerns may also be reported confidentially, through the online reporting tool – Report IT!
More information about the Commissioner's Office of Human Rights, Equity & Accessibility and Report IT! is available on the Board website or by contacting the office directly at cohrea@kprdsb.ca
2024-10-11 20:06:20
Updates for Families: October 11, 2024
Dear KPR Families, As we approach the first long weekend of the school year, I want to say how truly grateful I am to everyone in the KPR ...
Dear KPR Families,
As we approach the first long weekend of the school year, I want to say how truly grateful I am to everyone in the KPR community, for everything you do to support students every day.
October 10 is World Mental Health Day, and it serves as an essential reminder of the importance of well-being in our daily lives, and the need to collaboratively support positive change in mental heath for students, staff and families.
At times, our news feeds can become filled with stories of natural disasters, war and tragedy that can cause us to feel overwhelmed. While information and knowledge are important, I urge everyone to please look after yourselves and loved ones during times of challenge. Please be mindful in paying attention to your mental health, and that of those around you.
October 12 marks the most holy day in Judaism, and I would like to wish those observing Yom Kippur a meaningful time of reflection and fasting.
For more information about days of significance, please visit KPR’s Events Calendar.
Happy Thanksgiving to those who are celebrating this weekend.
Rita Russo
Director of Education
KPR News
Parent Involvement Committee Seeking Community Members
KPR’s Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is seeking three community members with an interest in public education, to serve on the committee for a one-year term, effective November 4, 2024. Those interested are invited to submit a letter of interest by 4:00pm on Monday, October 28, 2024. To learn more about this volunteer opportunity, visit our website: https://www.kprschools.ca/student-and-family-support/parent-corner/parent-involvement/
Engaging in Your Child’s Educational Journey - A Virtual Event
We are excited to be hosting a Virtual Parent Engagement event October 24, from 6:30-7:30pm, to explore the many benefits and opportunities that come from participating in your child’s learning experience. Learn about:
Families, parents and caregivers are invited to register for the virtual event here.
Digital Citizenship Week - October 16-20, 2024
Digital Citizenship Week is an opportunity to emphasize the importance of preparing students to navigate the digital world responsibly and for the KPR community to engage in meaningful conversations and activities that promote safe, respectful, and informed online behavior.
Together, we can empower students to be responsible digital citizens and equip them with the skills they need for a connected future. Families can find information to support their children at: https://www.kprschools.ca/student-and-family-support/digital-citizenship/
2024-10-25 17:41:10
Updates for Families: October 25, 2024
Dear KPR families, I hope everyone has been enjoying the beautiful fall colours and sunshine that has brought some added warmth and ...
Dear KPR families,
I hope everyone has been enjoying the beautiful fall colours and sunshine that has brought some added warmth and brightness to our schools and communities over the past few days. The fall-inspired student artwork that is on display in many hallways and classrooms brings a warm feeling as the cooler weather comes our way.
This week we recognized Bus Driver Appreciation Day and Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator (ECE) Appreciation Day.
We thank all school bus drivers and transportation staff for their dedicated service and commitment to providing safe transportation for students and for playing an integral role in our local education system. I’d also like to extend a very special thank you to the many registered Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) and staff who work with young children both in full-day Kindergarten and school-based childcare across our district, having incredible impacts on children, families and communities.
November 1 marks the beginning of Indigenous Peoples Awareness Month at KPR. This month is an intentional time for students and staff to expand their learning, celebrate Indigenous excellence, and amplify the voices of First Nation, Métis and Inuit peoples.
There are many opportunities to embrace learning throughout the month, including Treaties Recognition Week (Nov. 3-9), Rock Your Mocs Week (Nov. 10-16), Inuit Day (Nov. 7), National Indigenous Veterans’ Day (Nov. 8), and Louis Riel Day (Nov. 16).
For more information about upcoming days of significance, including Diwali on November 1, please visit KPR’s Events Calendar.
I want to leave you with this short video featuring Student Trustees, Ben Poley, from Kenner CVI and Aanya Singh, from Adam Scott CVI. I know you will be just as inspired as I am by their enthusiasm and passion for KPR schools and amplifying student voice!
Rita Russo
Director of Education
Engaging in Your Child’s Educational Journey - A Virtual Event
Thank you to everyone who joined KPR’s Virtual Parent Engagement event last night. The session explored the many benefits and opportunities that come from participating in your child’s learning experience. A recording of the session will be available soon for those who were unable to attend.
PA Day Learning
Throughout the school year, we will be sharing more information about how KPR staff are learning and working together on Professional Activity (PA) Days to support students’ success. More details about this learning is available on our website.
Today’s (October 25) Professional Activity (PA) Day focused on the following areas:
Mental Health in Elementary and Secondary Schools
Math (Numeracy) in Elementary Schools
Secondary School Assessment and Evaluation, and
School Improvement Planning.
Both teaching and support staff participate in learning sessions focused on well-being and supporting student success.
2024-11-08 14:44:39
Updates for Families: November 7, 2024
Dear KPR Families, I would like to begin by taking a moment to acknowledge the Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair, who passed away on ...
Dear KPR Families,
I would like to begin by taking a moment to acknowledge the Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair, who passed away on November 4, 2024. As an Anishinaabe leader, judge, senator and Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Justice Sinclair leaves behind a remarkable legacy of advocacy for Indigenous rights, justice and reconciliation. Sinclair’s work has had a tremendous impact on this country and the education system, as well as KPR and the work we do. Please join me in honouring his memory, as we continue our shared journey towards Truth and Reconciliation.
This time of year is filled with days of significance that offer meaningful learning opportunities for students, staff and families. As part of Indigenous Peoples Awareness Month, schools are invited to engage in learning and celebrate Indigenous excellence in many ways, and are working closely with the board’s Indigenous Education Department throughout the month to explore resources and activities that support this important learning.
Leading up to Remembrance Day on November 11, we recognize Veterans’ Week to honour the service, courage and sacrifice of the generations of Canadians who served and continue to serve in support of peace and freedom. Tomorrow, on November 8, we recognize Indigenous Veterans’ Day, to specifically acknowledge the contributions of thousands of Indigenous people who served during times of war and peacekeeping.
Later this month, we recognize Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week from November 17-23. This is an opportunity to talk about bullying in all its harmful shapes and forms and reiterate that bullying is not acceptable in our schools or communities. By spreading awareness, and having tough conversations both at home and at school, we can work together to continue to promote safe, caring learning environments where everyone feels a sense of belonging.
For more information about upcoming days of significance, Visit KPR’s Events Calendar.
Rita Russo
Director of Education
Virtual Parent Conference Featuring Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe
Everyday Resiliency: Strong Kids and Well Families
Registration is now open for KPR’s free, annual Parent Conference, taking place Saturday, November 23, from 9:15-11:15am! The session is open to all KPR parents/caregivers, family members and staff.
Dr. Robyne is one of only a few educational behaviourists in the world and embodies her teachings by blending real-world realities, rigorous research, and profound wisdom with her own personal journey. A mother of three teenagers, a high school dropout turned respected professor, author, entrepreneur and survivor of a life-altering accident, her life story exemplifies her unwavering dedication of spreading resilience.
Join us and Dr. Robyne for a journey on how families can cultivate resiliency in children and themselves through the five pillars of everyday resiliency. This keynote offers parents practical tools and strategies to help their children face challenges with confidence, optimism, and adaptability—equipping them to with skills to be well.
Registration and more information are available at Kprschools.ca
To support reading as an essential foundational skill, KPR schools administered early reading screening to all students in Year 2 of Kindergarten through Grade 2 this fall. The purpose of this provincial screening is to:
Families will receive their screening results, with their Fall reports in mid-November. Early reading screening benchmarks indicate how students are doing on a specific set of reading measures. Students whose scores fall below the benchmark will be provided with strategic instruction to support their ongoing growth.
This new screening process reflects specific skills from the 2023 Language curriculum and only provides one piece of information about your child’s language and literacy skills. The screening results is not used to determine your children’s grades, but instead will help identify the support needed to develop reading proficiency. School staff continue to participate in literacy-focused learning focused on effective instruction that support students in developing as strong readers.
2024-11-21 19:59:57
Updates for Families: November 21, 2024
Dear KPR Families, As we near the end of the first three months of the school year, I want to recognize the incredible learning and growth ...
Dear KPR Families,
As we near the end of the first three months of the school year, I want to recognize the incredible learning and growth within our KPR community. Educators, support staff and administrators have been busy preparing report cards and progress materials to communicate students’ learning to families. Working together, educators, school staff and families continue to support the unique strengths, interests and needs of all learners and nurture many kinds of success.
As Indigenous Peoples Awareness Month in KPR draws to a close, we look forward to continuing our journey throughout the rest of the year. I extend my continued thanks and appreciation to KPR’s Indigenous Education department for the wealth of resources and opportunities available to engage and guide us all.
This week is Bullying Prevention and Awareness Week, serving as a reminder that by working together we can promote safe, caring schools and create positive learning environments where everyone feels a sense of belonging. To learn more about bullying prevention at KPR, visit our board website.
November 25 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, marking the beginning of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. I encourage you to learn about gender-based violence and how you can become an ally by adopting simple but powerful actions all year long.
Please visit KPR’s Events Calendar for a list of other upcoming significant dates.
Rita Russo
Director of Education
There is still time to register for KPR’s free, annual Parent Conference, taking place this Saturday, November 23, from 9:15-11:15 a.m. The session is open to all KPR parents/caregivers, family members and staff.
This is a valuable opportunity to hear from keynote speaker, Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe, one of only a few educational behaviourists in the world, on the topic of everyday resiliency! More information is available at kprschools.ca
KPR secondary schools are hosting information nights for incoming Grade 8 students between November and January. Schools look forward to welcoming parents, caregivers and Grade 8 students to learn more about the exciting programs and opportunities KPR has to offer! Follow @kprschools on Instagram and Facebook for more information, or visit the board website for event dates and times.
2024-12-02 13:55:15
December Passport to Reconciliation
The learning focus for the month of December is music. To access weekly activities, reflection questions and resources to support your ...
The learning focus for the month of December is music. To access weekly activities, reflection questions and resources to support your learning, visit the resource at the following link: Passport to Reconciliation - Music
2024-12-06 20:41:52
Updates for Families: December 6, 2024
Dear KPR Families, With the first big snowfall this week we know December is upon us and winter is in full swing. KPR schools and ...
Dear KPR Families,
With the first big snowfall this week we know December is upon us and winter is in full swing. KPR schools and workplaces are filled with energy as students, staff and families come together in many ways, taking part in rich and diverse learning opportunities, including performances, community events, and charitable activities.
This month includes many important observances. On December 3, we recognized International Day of Persons with Disabilities, and our ongoing commitment to recognizing and eliminating barriers to create more inclusive, accessible learning conditions for people with diverse abilities. Learn about our work in this area.
Today is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, when we remember the lives of 14 young women who were killed at Polytechnique Montréal, and all those who have experienced, or continue to experience, gender-based violence.
Next week, International Human Rights Day is on December 10. While global events are troubling and concerning to many members of our wider KPR community, we reaffirm our commitment to valuing the inherent dignity and worth of everyone by embedding principles of human rights in all that we do as an organization. We remain committed to building a welcoming working and learning environment where human rights principles continue to anchor our approach to diversity, equity and inclusion.
We are fortunate to have a rich diversity of cultures and backgrounds in our KPR community, and the opportunity to learn about and share each other’s celebrations and traditions. To those looking forward to celebrating Winter Solstice, Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa in the coming weeks – we wish you all joyful celebrations! KPR’s Events Calendar is a great resource to learn more about these days of significance and others.
While many may be feeling the excitement of the holiday season, I also want to acknowledge that it can be a stressful or difficult time of year for a variety of reasons. Please remember that KPR staff are available to support, and we have a number of mental health and well-being resources accessible to students and families on our board website.
Wishing everyone an enjoyable and restful weekend.
Rita Russo
Director of Education
KPR secondary schools are hosting information sessions for parents, caregivers and students between November and January. Grade 8 families can learn about programs, courses and the many exciting opportunities that are available! For event details, including a list of dates and times, students and families can follow @kprschools on Instagram and Facebook, or visit the board website for event dates and times.
2024-12-20 20:29:29
Update for Families: December 20, 2024
Dear KPR Families, This week is a busy one for students, staff and families – finishing projects and squeezing culminating assignments and ...
Dear KPR Families,
This week is a busy one for students, staff and families – finishing projects and squeezing culminating assignments and tests in before the winter break, all while making time for some fun celebrations. It’s times like these when we see, once again, the incredible passion and commitment of our school communities – one of the things that makes our KPR community so special.
Throughout 2024, we have enjoyed many moments supporting one another, listening, amplifying diverse voices, and creating an environment where students, staff, families and communities can thrive. It is this spirit of community and collaboration that strengthens our work and drives us forward, and I look forward to carrying this into the new year.
As we wrap up another calendar year, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone for a wonderful first four months of the school year. I hope that the days ahead provide you with time to rest, recharge, and celebrate the moments that matter most.
School Mental Health Ontario shares ideas to promote self-care over the winter break, with some helpful reminders for the weeks ahead.
To those celebrating Winter Solstice, Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa in the coming weeks – we wish you all joyful celebrations and a bright start to the new year.
Rita Russo
Director of Education
Schools will be closed to students during Winter Break, from Monday, December 23, 2024 through Friday, January 3, 2025. We look forward to welcoming students and families back to school on Monday, January 6, 2025. Happy Holidays!
KPR secondary schools are hosting information sessions for parents, caregivers and students between November and January. Grade 8 families can learn about programs, courses and the many exciting opportunities that are available! For event details, including a list of dates and times, students and families can follow @kprschools on Instagram and Facebook, or visit the board website for event dates and times.
2025-01-02 13:49:17
January Passport to Reconciliation
The learning focus for the month of January is Literature. To access weekly activities, reflection questions and resources to support your ...
The learning focus for the month of January is Literature. To access weekly activities, reflection questions and resources to support your learning, visit the resource at the following link: Passport to Reconciliation - Literature
2025-01-13 13:31:41
Updates for Families: January 10, 2025
Hello everyone, Welcome back to school in this new calendar year! I hope everyone had time over the holidays to experience something that ...
Hello everyone,
Welcome back to school in this new calendar year! I hope everyone had time over the holidays to experience something that brought you joy. Our schools are excited for the year of learning ahead, and I hope students and families are too!
We are starting the new year off well, with a special focus on well-being and mental health. Caring for others and being successful begins with caring for ourselves and having access to the resources we need to do so.
This month we are highlighting information and tools that support our work with students, as well as resources available to KPR families.
I invite everyone to follow along on social media @kprschools over the coming weeks as we highlight resources, supports and learning. All this beneficial information will also be available on the KPR website on our new Starting WELL page.
For more information about upcoming days of significance, such as Family Literacy Day, please visit KPR’s Events Calendar.
Take good care,
Rita Russo
Director of Education
KPR students, staff, families and community members are invited to provide feedback on the proposed 2025-2026 school year calendar through a survey, which is available until February 2, 2025.
Highlights of the proposed calendar include the following dates:
The first day of school for students is Tuesday, September 2, 2025.
The last day of classes before winter break will be Friday, December 19, 2025.
The proposed winter break is from December 22, 2025 - January 2, 2026, and students will return to class on Monday, January 5, 2026.
The proposed March Break is from Monday, March 16 through Friday, March 20, 2026. (Friday, March 13 is a proposed designated board holiday)
KPR secondary schools are hosting information sessions for parents, caregivers and students between November and January. Grade 8 families can learn about programs, courses and the many exciting opportunities that are available! For event details, including a list of dates and times, students and families can follow @kprschools on Instagram and Facebook, or visit the board website for event dates and times.
2025-02-03 13:39:03
February Passport to Reconciliation
The learning focus for the month of February is Art. To access weekly activities, reflection questions and resources to support your ...
The learning focus for the month of February is Art. To access weekly activities, reflection questions and resources to support your learning, visit the resource at the following link: Passport to Reconciliation - Art
2025-02-07 20:06:15
Updates for Families: February 7, 2025
Dear KPR families, As the days start to get longer, and we have more daylight, February provides KPR schools with opportunities for both ...
Dear KPR families,
As the days start to get longer, and we have more daylight, February provides KPR schools with opportunities for both learning and celebration. I want to take a moment to reflect on and highlight two important themes for this month.
February is Black History Month - a time for intentional recognition of the achievements, contributions and lived experiences of Black communities. As a school board, we recognize the value of celebrating and highlighting Black History and Black Excellence every day, in line with KPR’s strategic priority to create safe and inclusive spaces where the diversity and lived experiences of students and staff are valued and reflected in learning and working environments.
Throughout this month, in collaboration with the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion department, we will be highlighting resources through KPR’s social media channels -@kprschools. In classrooms, students will be engaging in Black History Month learning in different ways, honouring and celebrating the stories, achievements, and excellence of Black communities, and learning more about the significant contributions of Black Canadians in fields such as technology, science, math, social justice movements, art, and so much more.
Over the coming weeks, we will also be sharing stories from the 2024 Director’s Annual Report. Through the report, we celebrate and reflect on the past year in our life as the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board. Chairperson of the Board Jaine Klassen Jeninga and myself are pleased to launch our sharing of this year’s #WeAreKPR report, through this short video!
With our Annual Report for 2024, we take pride in sharing our journey over the past year and celebrating all that makes KPR such a special place – with the help of KPR staff, families, countless volunteers, and community partners. Our success is the result of our collaborative efforts. Read the full Director’s Report on our website.
For information about upcoming days of significance, please visit KPR’s Events Calendar.
Take care,
Rita Russo
Director of Education
New School Announcements
Last week, we were pleased to learn that KPR was approved funding for two new school builds, as part of the Ministry of Education’s Capital Priorities Program. The Ontario government announced funding for a JK-12 school and childcare centre in Newcastle and an elementary school and childcare centre in Millbrook.
We are beginning initial planning and will be pleased to share more information with communities as these exciting projects move forward.
OPSBA Awards
Do you know an amazing trustee, teacher, education worker, school administrator, student or community member who deserves to be recognized for making a difference in their local school or community? Nominations are now open for the 2025 Ontario Public School Boards Association Awards!
Nominations for awards are open until April 4, 2025, at 4:30 p.m., except for the Bernardine Yackman Memorial Award, which is open until June 6, 2025, at 4:30 p.m.
More information is available through the Online Nomination Form.
No results found
No events
No results found
2024-08-30 13:31:50
Dear KPR Families, The first day of school is right around the corner and I hope you can feel the energy and excitement in the air as we ...
Dear KPR Families,
The first day of school is right around the corner and I hope you can feel the energy and excitement in the air as we count down the days!
I hope that you’ve had a fantastic summer – finding time to connect with loved ones, take in the beautiful weather, and do the things that bring you joy. I am looking forward to a safe and successful return to school and the many #WeAreKPR memories that will be made in the year ahead!
For students who may be experiencing mixed emotions about returning to school, we have a number of great resources to support them as they adapt to new routines and relationships. 10 Tips for a Successful Back-to-School Transition is a resource from School Mental Health Ontario that offers helpful tips to support the transition.
With more students, vehicles, walkers and bicycles on the roads, our priority is to ensure a safe school start-up in the coming days. Please be aware that school zones are busy places, and it’s important to be cautious when traveling to and from school. We sincerely appreciate the contributions of our dedicated bus drivers, transportation staff, crossing guards, local police services and municipalities in keeping our students, staff and families safe.
I will continue to send bi-weekly updates to families this school year, with news and information to keep you informed. Of course, another great source of information and positive news is our KPR social media accounts. Please follow @kprschools on Facebook and Instagram for timely updates and #WeAreKPR stories this year!
Welcome back and wishing each of you a wonderful start to the 2024-2025 school year!
Best wishes,
Rita Russo
Director of Education
KPR News
Student Personal Devices
New provincial government legislation has resulted in changes to the use of mobile devices in schools. A mobile device is any personal electronic device that can be used to communicate or access the Internet, such as a laptop, cellphone, tablet or smart watch.
To help ensure focused and engaging learning environments, all personal mobile devices must be stored out of view during the school day. Students in Grades K- 8 may not use mobile devices anytime during the school day (including recess), except as outlined below. Students in Grades 9-12 may use mobile devices during breaks.
Devices may be used in certain circumstances, including:
While these changes may be difficult, please know that creating and maintaining a protected space for learning in classrooms is our goal. Schools will be working with students to educate and support them as they adjust to these expectations. If students need to use their phones for reasons other than those outlined above, families should contact their school administration to discuss a shared solution.
Vaping in Schools
As you know, it has been our long-standing policy that smoking and vaping are not allowed on board property or in schools.
There are new provincial directives this year that support this policy, specifically that students cannot bring electronic cigarettes (vapes), cannabis, tobacco and/or nicotine products to school (including on school transportation).
If a student is in possession of an electronic cigarette (vape), tobacco or nicotine product, it is to be surrendered and disposed of.
As with the cell phone changes, we will work positively with students and families to implement these expectations.
Update from Public Health Partners
Public health partners have asked us to share that there has been a high rate of pertussis (whooping cough) cases over the summer months. They are encouraging families to ensure their children's immunizations are up to date and to get any needed vaccinations, including the pertussis vaccination, as soon as possible.
To read the full letter from public health click here.
For more information about immunizations and other public health updates, please visit your local public health unit’s website:
2024-09-27 12:59:23
Updates for Families: September 26, 2024
Dear KPR Families, Throughout September, schools are wonderfully full of community-building opportunities and learning for students, staff ...
Dear KPR Families,
Throughout September, schools are wonderfully full of community-building opportunities and learning for students, staff and families, such as Terry Fox days, school council meetings, open houses and so much more.
While this month has been filled with energy and excitement, my hope is that we each find time for reflection, leading up to September 30, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
This is a day of remembrance, and a time to recognize the tragic history and harm caused by residential schools. We honour First Nations, Métis, and Inuit children and communities impacted by the residential school system and remember those who never returned home. In recognition of this observance, flags will be flown at half-mast at KPR schools and education centres. Schools participate in this day in age-appropriate ways, by engaging in discussion, reflection and learning that supports our collective journey towards reconciliation. More information about the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is available from the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation and the Government of Canada.
In the coming days, we will be celebrating National Custodial Workers’ Recognition Day on October 2 and World Teachers’ Day on October 5. To KPR custodians, trades and maintenance workers – we cannot say thank you enough for the work you do to keep schools safe, clean, accessible and welcoming for all students and families!
I’d also like to extend my sincere thanks to all of the amazing educators at KPR who have powerful impacts on many students every day, and every year. The collective commitment of all KPR staff to student success and well-being helps all students to excel in learning, succeed in life and enrich our communities!
For more information on days of significance coming up next month, including Rosh Hashanah from October 2-4 and National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit People (MMIWG2S) on October 4, please visit KPR’s events calendar.
Rita Russo
Director of Education
We continue to share information with families about how KPR staff are learning and working together on Professional Activity (PA) Days to support students’ success. Detailed information about PA Days is posted on the KPR website, at www.kprschools.ca/pa-day-learning .
The September 27 Professional Activity (PA) Day will focus on the following areas:
Both teaching and support staff are participating in learning sessions focused on well-being and supporting student success. Thank you to everyone engaged in this important work.
While we encourage students, staff and families to first address concerns directly with those involved in the situation, e.g. the teacher, principal, manager or superintendent, concerns may also be reported confidentially, through the online reporting tool – Report IT!
More information about the Commissioner's Office of Human Rights, Equity & Accessibility and Report IT! is available on the Board website or by contacting the office directly at cohrea@kprdsb.ca
2024-10-11 20:06:20
Updates for Families: October 11, 2024
Dear KPR Families, As we approach the first long weekend of the school year, I want to say how truly grateful I am to everyone in the KPR ...
Dear KPR Families,
As we approach the first long weekend of the school year, I want to say how truly grateful I am to everyone in the KPR community, for everything you do to support students every day.
October 10 is World Mental Health Day, and it serves as an essential reminder of the importance of well-being in our daily lives, and the need to collaboratively support positive change in mental heath for students, staff and families.
At times, our news feeds can become filled with stories of natural disasters, war and tragedy that can cause us to feel overwhelmed. While information and knowledge are important, I urge everyone to please look after yourselves and loved ones during times of challenge. Please be mindful in paying attention to your mental health, and that of those around you.
October 12 marks the most holy day in Judaism, and I would like to wish those observing Yom Kippur a meaningful time of reflection and fasting.
For more information about days of significance, please visit KPR’s Events Calendar.
Happy Thanksgiving to those who are celebrating this weekend.
Rita Russo
Director of Education
KPR News
Parent Involvement Committee Seeking Community Members
KPR’s Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is seeking three community members with an interest in public education, to serve on the committee for a one-year term, effective November 4, 2024. Those interested are invited to submit a letter of interest by 4:00pm on Monday, October 28, 2024. To learn more about this volunteer opportunity, visit our website: https://www.kprschools.ca/student-and-family-support/parent-corner/parent-involvement/
Engaging in Your Child’s Educational Journey - A Virtual Event
We are excited to be hosting a Virtual Parent Engagement event October 24, from 6:30-7:30pm, to explore the many benefits and opportunities that come from participating in your child’s learning experience. Learn about:
Families, parents and caregivers are invited to register for the virtual event here.
Digital Citizenship Week - October 16-20, 2024
Digital Citizenship Week is an opportunity to emphasize the importance of preparing students to navigate the digital world responsibly and for the KPR community to engage in meaningful conversations and activities that promote safe, respectful, and informed online behavior.
Together, we can empower students to be responsible digital citizens and equip them with the skills they need for a connected future. Families can find information to support their children at: https://www.kprschools.ca/student-and-family-support/digital-citizenship/
2024-10-25 17:41:10
Updates for Families: October 25, 2024
Dear KPR families, I hope everyone has been enjoying the beautiful fall colours and sunshine that has brought some added warmth and ...
Dear KPR families,
I hope everyone has been enjoying the beautiful fall colours and sunshine that has brought some added warmth and brightness to our schools and communities over the past few days. The fall-inspired student artwork that is on display in many hallways and classrooms brings a warm feeling as the cooler weather comes our way.
This week we recognized Bus Driver Appreciation Day and Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator (ECE) Appreciation Day.
We thank all school bus drivers and transportation staff for their dedicated service and commitment to providing safe transportation for students and for playing an integral role in our local education system. I’d also like to extend a very special thank you to the many registered Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) and staff who work with young children both in full-day Kindergarten and school-based childcare across our district, having incredible impacts on children, families and communities.
November 1 marks the beginning of Indigenous Peoples Awareness Month at KPR. This month is an intentional time for students and staff to expand their learning, celebrate Indigenous excellence, and amplify the voices of First Nation, Métis and Inuit peoples.
There are many opportunities to embrace learning throughout the month, including Treaties Recognition Week (Nov. 3-9), Rock Your Mocs Week (Nov. 10-16), Inuit Day (Nov. 7), National Indigenous Veterans’ Day (Nov. 8), and Louis Riel Day (Nov. 16).
For more information about upcoming days of significance, including Diwali on November 1, please visit KPR’s Events Calendar.
I want to leave you with this short video featuring Student Trustees, Ben Poley, from Kenner CVI and Aanya Singh, from Adam Scott CVI. I know you will be just as inspired as I am by their enthusiasm and passion for KPR schools and amplifying student voice!
Rita Russo
Director of Education
Engaging in Your Child’s Educational Journey - A Virtual Event
Thank you to everyone who joined KPR’s Virtual Parent Engagement event last night. The session explored the many benefits and opportunities that come from participating in your child’s learning experience. A recording of the session will be available soon for those who were unable to attend.
PA Day Learning
Throughout the school year, we will be sharing more information about how KPR staff are learning and working together on Professional Activity (PA) Days to support students’ success. More details about this learning is available on our website.
Today’s (October 25) Professional Activity (PA) Day focused on the following areas:
Mental Health in Elementary and Secondary Schools
Math (Numeracy) in Elementary Schools
Secondary School Assessment and Evaluation, and
School Improvement Planning.
Both teaching and support staff participate in learning sessions focused on well-being and supporting student success.
2024-11-08 14:44:39
Updates for Families: November 7, 2024
Dear KPR Families, I would like to begin by taking a moment to acknowledge the Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair, who passed away on ...
Dear KPR Families,
I would like to begin by taking a moment to acknowledge the Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair, who passed away on November 4, 2024. As an Anishinaabe leader, judge, senator and Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Justice Sinclair leaves behind a remarkable legacy of advocacy for Indigenous rights, justice and reconciliation. Sinclair’s work has had a tremendous impact on this country and the education system, as well as KPR and the work we do. Please join me in honouring his memory, as we continue our shared journey towards Truth and Reconciliation.
This time of year is filled with days of significance that offer meaningful learning opportunities for students, staff and families. As part of Indigenous Peoples Awareness Month, schools are invited to engage in learning and celebrate Indigenous excellence in many ways, and are working closely with the board’s Indigenous Education Department throughout the month to explore resources and activities that support this important learning.
Leading up to Remembrance Day on November 11, we recognize Veterans’ Week to honour the service, courage and sacrifice of the generations of Canadians who served and continue to serve in support of peace and freedom. Tomorrow, on November 8, we recognize Indigenous Veterans’ Day, to specifically acknowledge the contributions of thousands of Indigenous people who served during times of war and peacekeeping.
Later this month, we recognize Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week from November 17-23. This is an opportunity to talk about bullying in all its harmful shapes and forms and reiterate that bullying is not acceptable in our schools or communities. By spreading awareness, and having tough conversations both at home and at school, we can work together to continue to promote safe, caring learning environments where everyone feels a sense of belonging.
For more information about upcoming days of significance, Visit KPR’s Events Calendar.
Rita Russo
Director of Education
Virtual Parent Conference Featuring Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe
Everyday Resiliency: Strong Kids and Well Families
Registration is now open for KPR’s free, annual Parent Conference, taking place Saturday, November 23, from 9:15-11:15am! The session is open to all KPR parents/caregivers, family members and staff.
Dr. Robyne is one of only a few educational behaviourists in the world and embodies her teachings by blending real-world realities, rigorous research, and profound wisdom with her own personal journey. A mother of three teenagers, a high school dropout turned respected professor, author, entrepreneur and survivor of a life-altering accident, her life story exemplifies her unwavering dedication of spreading resilience.
Join us and Dr. Robyne for a journey on how families can cultivate resiliency in children and themselves through the five pillars of everyday resiliency. This keynote offers parents practical tools and strategies to help their children face challenges with confidence, optimism, and adaptability—equipping them to with skills to be well.
Registration and more information are available at Kprschools.ca
To support reading as an essential foundational skill, KPR schools administered early reading screening to all students in Year 2 of Kindergarten through Grade 2 this fall. The purpose of this provincial screening is to:
Families will receive their screening results, with their Fall reports in mid-November. Early reading screening benchmarks indicate how students are doing on a specific set of reading measures. Students whose scores fall below the benchmark will be provided with strategic instruction to support their ongoing growth.
This new screening process reflects specific skills from the 2023 Language curriculum and only provides one piece of information about your child’s language and literacy skills. The screening results is not used to determine your children’s grades, but instead will help identify the support needed to develop reading proficiency. School staff continue to participate in literacy-focused learning focused on effective instruction that support students in developing as strong readers.
2024-11-21 19:59:57
Updates for Families: November 21, 2024
Dear KPR Families, As we near the end of the first three months of the school year, I want to recognize the incredible learning and growth ...
Dear KPR Families,
As we near the end of the first three months of the school year, I want to recognize the incredible learning and growth within our KPR community. Educators, support staff and administrators have been busy preparing report cards and progress materials to communicate students’ learning to families. Working together, educators, school staff and families continue to support the unique strengths, interests and needs of all learners and nurture many kinds of success.
As Indigenous Peoples Awareness Month in KPR draws to a close, we look forward to continuing our journey throughout the rest of the year. I extend my continued thanks and appreciation to KPR’s Indigenous Education department for the wealth of resources and opportunities available to engage and guide us all.
This week is Bullying Prevention and Awareness Week, serving as a reminder that by working together we can promote safe, caring schools and create positive learning environments where everyone feels a sense of belonging. To learn more about bullying prevention at KPR, visit our board website.
November 25 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, marking the beginning of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. I encourage you to learn about gender-based violence and how you can become an ally by adopting simple but powerful actions all year long.
Please visit KPR’s Events Calendar for a list of other upcoming significant dates.
Rita Russo
Director of Education
There is still time to register for KPR’s free, annual Parent Conference, taking place this Saturday, November 23, from 9:15-11:15 a.m. The session is open to all KPR parents/caregivers, family members and staff.
This is a valuable opportunity to hear from keynote speaker, Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe, one of only a few educational behaviourists in the world, on the topic of everyday resiliency! More information is available at kprschools.ca
KPR secondary schools are hosting information nights for incoming Grade 8 students between November and January. Schools look forward to welcoming parents, caregivers and Grade 8 students to learn more about the exciting programs and opportunities KPR has to offer! Follow @kprschools on Instagram and Facebook for more information, or visit the board website for event dates and times.
2024-12-02 13:55:15
December Passport to Reconciliation
The learning focus for the month of December is music. To access weekly activities, reflection questions and resources to support your ...
The learning focus for the month of December is music. To access weekly activities, reflection questions and resources to support your learning, visit the resource at the following link: Passport to Reconciliation - Music
2024-12-06 20:41:52
Updates for Families: December 6, 2024
Dear KPR Families, With the first big snowfall this week we know December is upon us and winter is in full swing. KPR schools and ...
Dear KPR Families,
With the first big snowfall this week we know December is upon us and winter is in full swing. KPR schools and workplaces are filled with energy as students, staff and families come together in many ways, taking part in rich and diverse learning opportunities, including performances, community events, and charitable activities.
This month includes many important observances. On December 3, we recognized International Day of Persons with Disabilities, and our ongoing commitment to recognizing and eliminating barriers to create more inclusive, accessible learning conditions for people with diverse abilities. Learn about our work in this area.
Today is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, when we remember the lives of 14 young women who were killed at Polytechnique Montréal, and all those who have experienced, or continue to experience, gender-based violence.
Next week, International Human Rights Day is on December 10. While global events are troubling and concerning to many members of our wider KPR community, we reaffirm our commitment to valuing the inherent dignity and worth of everyone by embedding principles of human rights in all that we do as an organization. We remain committed to building a welcoming working and learning environment where human rights principles continue to anchor our approach to diversity, equity and inclusion.
We are fortunate to have a rich diversity of cultures and backgrounds in our KPR community, and the opportunity to learn about and share each other’s celebrations and traditions. To those looking forward to celebrating Winter Solstice, Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa in the coming weeks – we wish you all joyful celebrations! KPR’s Events Calendar is a great resource to learn more about these days of significance and others.
While many may be feeling the excitement of the holiday season, I also want to acknowledge that it can be a stressful or difficult time of year for a variety of reasons. Please remember that KPR staff are available to support, and we have a number of mental health and well-being resources accessible to students and families on our board website.
Wishing everyone an enjoyable and restful weekend.
Rita Russo
Director of Education
KPR secondary schools are hosting information sessions for parents, caregivers and students between November and January. Grade 8 families can learn about programs, courses and the many exciting opportunities that are available! For event details, including a list of dates and times, students and families can follow @kprschools on Instagram and Facebook, or visit the board website for event dates and times.
2024-12-20 20:29:29
Update for Families: December 20, 2024
Dear KPR Families, This week is a busy one for students, staff and families – finishing projects and squeezing culminating assignments and ...
Dear KPR Families,
This week is a busy one for students, staff and families – finishing projects and squeezing culminating assignments and tests in before the winter break, all while making time for some fun celebrations. It’s times like these when we see, once again, the incredible passion and commitment of our school communities – one of the things that makes our KPR community so special.
Throughout 2024, we have enjoyed many moments supporting one another, listening, amplifying diverse voices, and creating an environment where students, staff, families and communities can thrive. It is this spirit of community and collaboration that strengthens our work and drives us forward, and I look forward to carrying this into the new year.
As we wrap up another calendar year, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone for a wonderful first four months of the school year. I hope that the days ahead provide you with time to rest, recharge, and celebrate the moments that matter most.
School Mental Health Ontario shares ideas to promote self-care over the winter break, with some helpful reminders for the weeks ahead.
To those celebrating Winter Solstice, Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa in the coming weeks – we wish you all joyful celebrations and a bright start to the new year.
Rita Russo
Director of Education
Schools will be closed to students during Winter Break, from Monday, December 23, 2024 through Friday, January 3, 2025. We look forward to welcoming students and families back to school on Monday, January 6, 2025. Happy Holidays!
KPR secondary schools are hosting information sessions for parents, caregivers and students between November and January. Grade 8 families can learn about programs, courses and the many exciting opportunities that are available! For event details, including a list of dates and times, students and families can follow @kprschools on Instagram and Facebook, or visit the board website for event dates and times.
2025-01-02 13:49:17
January Passport to Reconciliation
The learning focus for the month of January is Literature. To access weekly activities, reflection questions and resources to support your ...
The learning focus for the month of January is Literature. To access weekly activities, reflection questions and resources to support your learning, visit the resource at the following link: Passport to Reconciliation - Literature
2025-01-13 13:31:41
Updates for Families: January 10, 2025
Hello everyone, Welcome back to school in this new calendar year! I hope everyone had time over the holidays to experience something that ...
Hello everyone,
Welcome back to school in this new calendar year! I hope everyone had time over the holidays to experience something that brought you joy. Our schools are excited for the year of learning ahead, and I hope students and families are too!
We are starting the new year off well, with a special focus on well-being and mental health. Caring for others and being successful begins with caring for ourselves and having access to the resources we need to do so.
This month we are highlighting information and tools that support our work with students, as well as resources available to KPR families.
I invite everyone to follow along on social media @kprschools over the coming weeks as we highlight resources, supports and learning. All this beneficial information will also be available on the KPR website on our new Starting WELL page.
For more information about upcoming days of significance, such as Family Literacy Day, please visit KPR’s Events Calendar.
Take good care,
Rita Russo
Director of Education
KPR students, staff, families and community members are invited to provide feedback on the proposed 2025-2026 school year calendar through a survey, which is available until February 2, 2025.
Highlights of the proposed calendar include the following dates:
The first day of school for students is Tuesday, September 2, 2025.
The last day of classes before winter break will be Friday, December 19, 2025.
The proposed winter break is from December 22, 2025 - January 2, 2026, and students will return to class on Monday, January 5, 2026.
The proposed March Break is from Monday, March 16 through Friday, March 20, 2026. (Friday, March 13 is a proposed designated board holiday)
KPR secondary schools are hosting information sessions for parents, caregivers and students between November and January. Grade 8 families can learn about programs, courses and the many exciting opportunities that are available! For event details, including a list of dates and times, students and families can follow @kprschools on Instagram and Facebook, or visit the board website for event dates and times.
2025-02-03 13:39:03
February Passport to Reconciliation
The learning focus for the month of February is Art. To access weekly activities, reflection questions and resources to support your ...
The learning focus for the month of February is Art. To access weekly activities, reflection questions and resources to support your learning, visit the resource at the following link: Passport to Reconciliation - Art
2025-02-07 20:06:15
Updates for Families: February 7, 2025
Dear KPR families, As the days start to get longer, and we have more daylight, February provides KPR schools with opportunities for both ...
Dear KPR families,
As the days start to get longer, and we have more daylight, February provides KPR schools with opportunities for both learning and celebration. I want to take a moment to reflect on and highlight two important themes for this month.
February is Black History Month - a time for intentional recognition of the achievements, contributions and lived experiences of Black communities. As a school board, we recognize the value of celebrating and highlighting Black History and Black Excellence every day, in line with KPR’s strategic priority to create safe and inclusive spaces where the diversity and lived experiences of students and staff are valued and reflected in learning and working environments.
Throughout this month, in collaboration with the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion department, we will be highlighting resources through KPR’s social media channels -@kprschools. In classrooms, students will be engaging in Black History Month learning in different ways, honouring and celebrating the stories, achievements, and excellence of Black communities, and learning more about the significant contributions of Black Canadians in fields such as technology, science, math, social justice movements, art, and so much more.
Over the coming weeks, we will also be sharing stories from the 2024 Director’s Annual Report. Through the report, we celebrate and reflect on the past year in our life as the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board. Chairperson of the Board Jaine Klassen Jeninga and myself are pleased to launch our sharing of this year’s #WeAreKPR report, through this short video!
With our Annual Report for 2024, we take pride in sharing our journey over the past year and celebrating all that makes KPR such a special place – with the help of KPR staff, families, countless volunteers, and community partners. Our success is the result of our collaborative efforts. Read the full Director’s Report on our website.
For information about upcoming days of significance, please visit KPR’s Events Calendar.
Take care,
Rita Russo
Director of Education
New School Announcements
Last week, we were pleased to learn that KPR was approved funding for two new school builds, as part of the Ministry of Education’s Capital Priorities Program. The Ontario government announced funding for a JK-12 school and childcare centre in Newcastle and an elementary school and childcare centre in Millbrook.
We are beginning initial planning and will be pleased to share more information with communities as these exciting projects move forward.
OPSBA Awards
Do you know an amazing trustee, teacher, education worker, school administrator, student or community member who deserves to be recognized for making a difference in their local school or community? Nominations are now open for the 2025 Ontario Public School Boards Association Awards!
Nominations for awards are open until April 4, 2025, at 4:30 p.m., except for the Bernardine Yackman Memorial Award, which is open until June 6, 2025, at 4:30 p.m.
More information is available through the Online Nomination Form.
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